Monday, 28 March 2016

Transformative Discards

Steve has been working on "Transformative Discards" which he says: "I am thinking about or questioning beauty as being about appearance rather than material or perhaps in spite of material, and so transforming the material while also subverting ornateness because of the material."

Meanwhile Steve is teaching his Creative Sketchbooking course at Ipswich Institute:, and he has work on show at The Sentinel Gallery in Wivenhoe ( On his own website there are New Printmaking and Teaching page updates:

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

More Altered books

Andrew has been working on other altered books. On the theme of photography and how old photos, that were created near the birth of photography, show people and places long past that somehow and mysteriously seem real to us now.

The next follows a similar exploration of the power of old photographs to evoke the past, adding maps from a modern road atlas, showing how the countryside has been traversed by roads.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Wall Hanging

Amanda is working on a wall hanging, as she explains: "I've been stitching a wall hanging out of waste paper. It's growing organically! There's a lot of green in it, it's basically about the idea of things coming full circle. At present it consists of separate elements."

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Still lifes and Studies

Steve has produced Still lifes and Studies using discarded and found materials.

Still life Study 01 with paint.

Still life Study 02 with paint and collage.

Study 03 with paint and collage.

Study 04 with paint collage pencil.

Study 05 with collage and card.

Study 06 with collage pencil card book.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Borin Van Loon works in progress

Borin Van Loon: Rust never sleeps (mixed media)

Borin Van Loon: Humanity (mixed media)

Borin Van Loon: Revolt into style (mixed media)

Altered Books

Andrew started with the idea of altering books, to change the context and meaning of the book, by adding new images or scraps and text, to juxtapose the original meaning or subject of the book with the new additions, and to create a new meaning or context in the final books. These are some of the books in progress, added to over many weeks, with new and changing alterations being made, with thoughtful, surprising and intriguing new meanings emerging. All the books have been obtained from charity shops, or were available for free.

The first is a HOME catalogue into which he has injected images of HOMS in Syria, which has almost entirely been destroyed by the civil war - the text is from a BBC article about the city and its destruction, and quotes from Syrians who had to leave their homes.


The next book is a well-known cook book into which discarded shopping lists have been inserted, with their often mundane contents contrasting with the exotic recipes. With later interventions exploring the role of salt as one of the essentials to life (and which appears in more or less every recipe in the book).


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Origami flowers

Initial work from Mo Galvani, she says "I used the reverse of used envelopes for the origami flowers and cardboard from a board game after all the die cut pieces have been pressed out."

The Project

'The Discarded Made Beautiful 2' is a group project in which members will re-use discarded, recycled or old materials and stuff we would normally throw away to create a number of stunning and thought-provoking artworks. The work from the project will be shown at the Frame Workshop Gallery in Ipswich in June 2016.