Thursday, 10 March 2016

Altered Books

Andrew started with the idea of altering books, to change the context and meaning of the book, by adding new images or scraps and text, to juxtapose the original meaning or subject of the book with the new additions, and to create a new meaning or context in the final books. These are some of the books in progress, added to over many weeks, with new and changing alterations being made, with thoughtful, surprising and intriguing new meanings emerging. All the books have been obtained from charity shops, or were available for free.

The first is a HOME catalogue into which he has injected images of HOMS in Syria, which has almost entirely been destroyed by the civil war - the text is from a BBC article about the city and its destruction, and quotes from Syrians who had to leave their homes.


The next book is a well-known cook book into which discarded shopping lists have been inserted, with their often mundane contents contrasting with the exotic recipes. With later interventions exploring the role of salt as one of the essentials to life (and which appears in more or less every recipe in the book).


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